[Fwd: Re: Ubuntu Linux works well with Intel 810 chipset machines]

Jane Weideman janew at hbd.com
Tue Aug 16 08:06:01 UTC 2005

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Benj. Mako Hill <webmaster at ubuntu.com>
To: George Masters <gmasters2 at yahoo.com>
Cc: Jane Weideman <janew at hbd.com>
Subject: Re: Ubuntu Linux works well with Intel 810 chipset machines
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2005 17:36:20 +0200

<quote who="George Masters" date="Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 10:10:23PM -0700">
> During a teacher's workshop going on this week at Silicon Valley
> StRUT (Students Recycling Used Technology), we ran into several
> machines that would not work with the X server in Fedora Core 3. The
> group was stumped. Someone had brought in a copy of Ubuntu Linux
> which I offered to install on one of the non-working machines. It
> came up flawlessly and are using Ubantu on three of these
> machines. An examination of one of the machines gave us the answer:
> the Intel 810 video chipset doesn't play well on the Fedora core
> implementation of the xorg X server.  Ubuntu Linux installed without
> any troubles and the GUI works with this chipset!
> I teach network administration and computer technology courses at
> Central County Occupational Center, a K-12/adult Regional
> Occupational Program/Technical High School, located in the Santa
> Clara Valley. Our school was the first publicly-funded technical
> high school to teach Linux certification in the State of California,
> and I must say, I am impressed with how quickly and smoothly the
> installation proceeded. The workshop tomorrow focuses on building
> Linux servers for classroom use that can be used by Windows, pre
> OS/X Macs, and Linux/Unix clients as a file and print server/network
> appliance. The idea is to make a simple to maintain plug and play
> solution for non-techie teachers to use. Every classroom should have
> a web server with the proper protections to keep the network secure
> and the students off of inappropriate sites on the Internet.
> Again, we are excited at the work you have accomplished!

I am thrilled to hear that Ubuntu ended up being such a good fit for
you and that worked for you when you needed it.

You might be interested in using, collaborating with, or building on
top of the version of Ubuntu being developed particularly with schools
in mind. The project is called edUbuntu and I've CCed Jane Weideman
who is the contact at Canonical for the project. She should be able to
introduce you to that project and answer any questions you might have.


Jane Weideman
mobile: +27 83 779 7800
Canonical Ltd.

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