Edubuntu Cookbook update

Carsten Niehaus cniehaus at
Wed Aug 10 08:56:51 UTC 2005

On Wednesday, 10. August 2005 06:31 am, Jerome Gotangco wrote:
Hi Jerome and others

> I did some mini comments on
> on what can be done. In the following days, I should be able to make a
> draft outline that would fit into Edubuntu, as well as lift some text
> from the existing cookbook.

In the section about the KDE Edu-Project (of which I am a member) there are 
several issues:

Ghemical, Tuxpaint, GCompris and Klicker do not belong to KDE-Edu. GHemical 
and GCompris are not even written for KDE or using the Qt-Libs.

KTurtleLugo is meant to be KTurtle (, I guess. The 
discription fits.

Kalziums homepage is, the link in that page doesn't even 

KGeo is long dead, it's *much* better successor is called Kig 
( You will get information about it on its homepage.

Last not least the linked software collection is totally outdated, they don't 
update the datebase since 2003 it seems.


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