Email voting and jumping the gun [was: Contributing Developer - Florent 'Skia' Jacquet]

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Tue Jan 14 20:58:35 UTC 2025

[to devel-permissions@ only]

While I appreciate the enthusiasm displayed here, I'm concerned that
being "in such a hurry" harms our ability to make careful, considered

It didn't matter in this case, but in general, if we're going to have an
email vote, could we please allow time for some discussion before
voting, and allow for everyone to cast their votes before declaring the

What if, for example, someone had concerns and you voted before hearing
them? That doesn't seem appropriate. Similarly, while the vote outcome
is known after 4 +1s, commentary from other voters might not be heard
because announcing the result before getting all the votes might well
suppress the commentary. And since the DMB is an elected board, the
performance and opinions of individual DMB members matters in the
future. I don't think we should effectively suppress votes and
commentary from members who don't study an application and respond in 24
hours when that isn't really expected of them in the first place.

I suggest allowing a week for discussion before announcing a vote, and a
further week to collect votes before announcing the result. Otherwise
we're not really giving enough time to properly consider applications,
especially considering others' busy schedules.

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