Defining rotating chairs for the DMB meetings

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Tue Jan 30 14:01:02 UTC 2024

Dear DMB members,

That's a topic I mentioned during previous IRC meetings but I think we 
should have a defined rotation scheme of chair/backup for DMB meetings. 
It would help with the slow start of meetings we have sometime where 
everyone seems to wait for one member to step up and chair.

 From the short discussions we had on IRC it seems like the board 
members are fine with the idea. There is one open question though is 
'how do we define the schedule'.

I suggested doing what the TB is doing and at the end of the meeting 
nominate a chair and a backup for the next meeting following the 
alphabetical order but I think Robie said he would prefer to have a 
defined rotation calendar for the year instead?

So what do the DMB members think about having a rotation? Any 
opinion/preference on fixed scheduling vs dynamic?

Personally I'm +1 on having a rotation, I don't have a strong opinion on 
the type of scheduling. I see how having predictability could help some 
but for me when I miss a meeting it's usually because I'm not available 
so being chair or not isn't really a factor.

Sébastien Bacher

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