Request for openbox to be added to the Lubuntu packageset

Utkarsh Gupta utkarsh.gupta at
Fri Mar 24 16:23:20 UTC 2023

Hi Aaron,

On Fri, Mar 24, 2023 at 9:30 PM Aaron Rainbolt <arraybolt3 at> wrote:
> I think the Lubuntu team hasn't had to upload to Openbox in a long time
> (if ever) since there's not been any problems with it up until now -
> however the recent GLib slice allocator removal threw us for a loop and
> needed an upload. At any rate, we were able to get a working upload
> sponsored, so there is now an example of a Lubuntu-team-assisted upload
> to Openbox here:
> The
> corresponding bug report is here:

After going through the above report, I am afraid that it doesn't
inspire enough confidence. If you had the rights, you'd have uploaded
the patch presented in
But that went through multiple rounds of review and after some back
and forth and a bunch of changes to the patch, Dan finally sponsored
the upload.

Given that you never needed it in the past and that the above bug work
doesn't inspire enough confidence, I'm NACKing the above request. I am
happy to be proved wrong and also perfectly okay if other members of
the DMB feel the opposite. :)

But that said, with some history of uploads, I'd be perfectly fine
with adding openbox to the Lubuntu packageset.

- u

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