oem-meta-packageset-sync broken and spamming devel-permissions@

Robie Basak robie.basak at ubuntu.com
Fri Mar 10 15:48:30 UTC 2023

Documentation link:

devel-permissions@ is being spammed every few minutes with this, so I've
taken the following emergency actions:

1) I've attempted to filter all emails from
root at ubuntu-archive-toolbox.internal from reaching devel-permissions@
using the list admin tools.

2) Since the agreement is that the DMB (via devel-permissions@) is
notified of all changes to the canonical-oem-metapackages packagesets
and that will no longer work, I attempted to temporarily change the
owner of these packagesets to ~techboard to effectively disable the
broken script being able to take any action until such notifications are
fixed again. However, this didn't work since (I assume) I'm not a member
of ~ubuntu-archive and to change the owner would need the person making
the change to be a member of both teams.

3) So instead I temporarily disabled the _effect_ of the packagesets by
removing ~canonical-oem-metapackage-uploaders from the packageset ACLs,
which I do have permission to do.

So right now the entire mechanism is temporarily disabled.

Could someone in ~ubuntu-archive please:

1) Fix the script to make it work again (presumably, reauth it).

2) Adjust the script so that reports of changes still go to the DMB as
agreed, but failures get notified to people who can fix it, rather than
spamming the DMB who cannot.

Once done we can undo the temporarily disablements I described above.



On Fri, Mar 10, 2023 at 01:15:03PM +0000, Cron Daemon wrote:
> The authorization page:
>  (https://launchpad.net/+authorize-token?oauth_token=cfGWvrRnDPJ1QrTbZPlK&allow_permission=DESKTOP_INTEGRATION)
> should be opening in your browser. Use your browser to authorize
> this program to access Launchpad on your behalf.
> Waiting to hear from Launchpad about your decision...
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/ubuntu-archive/oem-meta-packageset-sync/oem-meta-packageset-sync", line 177, in <module>
>     main()
>   File "/home/ubuntu-archive/oem-meta-packageset-sync/oem-meta-packageset-sync", line 168, in main
>     sync = OEMMetaPackagesetSync()
>   File "/home/ubuntu-archive/oem-meta-packageset-sync/oem-meta-packageset-sync", line 62, in __init__
>     self.lp = Launchpad.login_with("oem-generate", "production", "devel")
>   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/launchpadlib/launchpad.py", line 564, in login_with
>     return cls._authorize_token_and_login(
>   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/launchpadlib/launchpad.py", line 375, in _authorize_token_and_login
>     credentials = authorization_engine(credentials, credential_store)
>   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/launchpadlib/credentials.py", line 600, in __call__
>     self.make_end_user_authorize_token(credentials, request_token_string)
>   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/launchpadlib/credentials.py", line 692, in make_end_user_authorize_token
>     self.wait_for_end_user_authorization(credentials)
>   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/launchpadlib/credentials.py", line 775, in wait_for_end_user_authorization
>     raise TokenAuthorizationTimedOut(
> launchpadlib.credentials.TokenAuthorizationTimedOut: Timed out after 900 seconds.
> -- 
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