Proposition to convert Dave Jones PPU rights list to a raspi packageset - vote

Lukasz Zemczak lukasz.zemczak at
Mon Mar 29 13:56:08 UTC 2021

Sounds good to me!

Ok, so re-stating: I would like us to do an e-mail vote to:
 * Create a raspi packageset with the description of: "Packages
specific to the support of the Raspberry Pi devices on Ubuntu" that
would include all the pi-specific packages we currently ship in
Ubuntu, meaning: linux-firmware-raspi2, pi-bluetooth, rpi-eeprom,
raspberrypi-userland, lg-gpio (this is a new package, pi-exclusive for
GPIO support).
 * Migrate Dave Jones (waveform) from his custom PPU rights to upload
rights in the newly created raspi packageset.

Since I'm a co-author of this proposal, my vote is of course +1.


On Mon, 29 Mar 2021 at 15:35, Robie Basak <robie.basak at> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 02:22:37PM +0200, Lukasz Zemczak wrote:
> >                         ...That being said, I think anyone that would
> > be helping out and working on the raspi story might need to have
> > upload rights to at least flash-kernel (as u-boot is less of a thing
> > for pi in the later series).
> Let me be clear why I think it'd be better to keep the definition of a
> raspberrypi packageset more limited (so it doesn't include u-boot or
> flash-kernel).
>  * For Dave, it will make no practical difference, since he's PPU for
>    these already...
>  * ...except, by making the definition of the packageset wide, we're
>    massively widening the scope of what a packageset uploader might be
>    able to upload in future if the packageset expanded to meet that
>    definition. If granting raspberrypi packageset uploader is supposed
>    to be separate from granting core dev, we'd be effectively defeating
>    that purpose if the scope of the packageset is so wide that it
>    touches core/critical packages anyway. Maybe for Dave this doesn't
>    matter, but it would help to make the packageset generally useful,
>    and for that it needs to be limited in scope.
>  * For a new uploader, limiting the scope of the packageset lowers the
>    bar to get upload permission for it, making it easier to get upload
>    permission for the packageset. We agreed that Dave was suitably
>    skilled for the addition of flash-kernel and u-boot, but others in
>    the future might not be. The packageset would allow a prospective
>    developer to make incremental progress.
>  * We can always grant PPU for core/critical overlapping packages like
>    flash-kernel and u-boot on a case-by-case basis as required.
>  * AIUI, we'll still be solving the problem at issue here, which is that
>    the set of Pi-specific packages is expected to increase and we want
>    to let Dave upload them with the minimum of paperwork.
> Robie

Ɓukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak
 Foundations Team
 lukasz.zemczak at

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