Proposition to convert Dave Jones PPU rights list to a raspi packageset - vote

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Mon Mar 29 13:35:03 UTC 2021

On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 02:22:37PM +0200, Lukasz Zemczak wrote:
>                         ...That being said, I think anyone that would
> be helping out and working on the raspi story might need to have
> upload rights to at least flash-kernel (as u-boot is less of a thing
> for pi in the later series).

Let me be clear why I think it'd be better to keep the definition of a
raspberrypi packageset more limited (so it doesn't include u-boot or

 * For Dave, it will make no practical difference, since he's PPU for
   these already...

 * ...except, by making the definition of the packageset wide, we're
   massively widening the scope of what a packageset uploader might be
   able to upload in future if the packageset expanded to meet that
   definition. If granting raspberrypi packageset uploader is supposed
   to be separate from granting core dev, we'd be effectively defeating
   that purpose if the scope of the packageset is so wide that it
   touches core/critical packages anyway. Maybe for Dave this doesn't
   matter, but it would help to make the packageset generally useful,
   and for that it needs to be limited in scope.

 * For a new uploader, limiting the scope of the packageset lowers the
   bar to get upload permission for it, making it easier to get upload
   permission for the packageset. We agreed that Dave was suitably
   skilled for the addition of flash-kernel and u-boot, but others in
   the future might not be. The packageset would allow a prospective
   developer to make incremental progress.

 * We can always grant PPU for core/critical overlapping packages like
   flash-kernel and u-boot on a case-by-case basis as required.

 * AIUI, we'll still be solving the problem at issue here, which is that
   the set of Pi-specific packages is expected to increase and we want
   to let Dave upload them with the minimum of paperwork.

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