Proposition to convert Dave Jones PPU rights list to a raspi packageset - vote

Lukasz Zemczak lukasz.zemczak at
Mon Mar 29 10:33:34 UTC 2021

Dear DMB members!

At one of the recent DMB meetings, we reviewed and approved Dave Jones
PPU application for a set of Raspberry Pi related packages. The idea
was to decrease the sponsorship bottleneck for Dave's raspi work,
which is rather quite dynamic. And this helps a lot.

The raspi ecosystem is, as mentioned, very dynamic, with a lot of new
packages being introduced now and in the nearest future. WIth Dave
being the main raspi maintainer in Ubuntu, we would like him to be
able to freely work on all the new packages as soon as possible. This
in the end creates a new bottleneck - each new raspi package requiring
a re-application to include every new package in his PPU set.

My proposition would be to create a raspi packageset as we have for
all the other important components and then migrating Dave's PPU
permissions to the raspi packageset instead.
At first I was thinking about a personal packageset here, but then I
think the Ubuntu raspi story is rich enough that we might want others
applying for the same packageset rights in the future. The end result
will be the same, but adding new packages to the set will be much
easier and faster - as long as they fit the packageset

The description of the packageset would be something in the likes of
"Packages related to the support of the Raspberry Pi devices on
I would like to officially submit the proposal here and start the vote
via e-mail.

If we agree on this proposition, I will take the action items to
create the team, packageset and membership migration (also the TB

Thank you,


Ɓukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak
 Foundations Team
 lukasz.zemczak at

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