Requesting upload rights for ltsp and epoptes

Thomas Ward teward at
Wed Mar 25 16:37:44 UTC 2020


On 3/18/20 1:58 AM, Alkis Georgopoulos wrote:
> Hi, I'm an edubuntu-dev member and a DM.
> I've upload rights for ltsp and epoptes in Debian:
> I would like to have upload rights in Ubuntu for ltsp as well.
> One way to do that would be to add "ltsp" to the edubuntu packageset
> (edubuntu did use ltsp a lot),
> and another would be that I get listed as a per-package uploader for
> both ltsp and epoptes.

Given that Edubuntu is now a deprecated flavor that is no longer
supported, I do not want to alter the deprecated flavor packageset.

The second option - PPU rights for your user for both ltsp and epoptes -
is a more viable option.  Forgive my detailed description here, but it
will also help for everyone to read my mindset and interpretation RE:
the existing dictated policy and how it applies to you.


If you don't want to read my justification on this matter, please skip
to the end of the message.

For policy information and noting on the record, we have a process for
DDs to apply for upload privileges [1]. 

Using this as a baseline, my interpretation of this expands to include
DMs in Debian in the process, but in a way that does not block you
simply because you are DM on the packages and not a DD.  These
justifications and interpretations of DD vs. DM are as follows:

 1. DDs have upload privileges in Debian as a whole with limited
restriction on what package they can upload to. (this would be something
akin to Ubuntu Core Dev in Ubuntu)

 2. DMs have upload privileges in Debian to specific packages or sets of
packages and need sponsoring for other package uploads (roughly
equivalent to PPU rights in Ubuntu)

Under the above justifications, PPU application requests for DMs who
already have upload access to upload the requested packages in Debian
can be processed in this category.  As such, this requires only one DMB
member to approve this.

As such...


I am approving your request for Per Package Upload rights for ltsp and
epoptes in Ubuntu and will shortly get this processed.  The
justification for this approval is as follows:

 1. You have an understanding already of Ubuntu policies regarding
policies, uploads, freezes, etc. due to Edubuntu.

 2. Your request falls under my second justification/interpretation of
the Debian DD/DM application process as stated above.

Congratulations on the approval of your PPU rights for these packages!

Thomas Ward
LP: teward
Ubuntu DMB Member

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