Requesting upload rights for ltsp

Alkis Georgopoulos alkisg at
Tue Jun 2 13:45:50 UTC 2020

This is correct, thank you very much!

On 6/2/20 12:34 AM, Dan Streetman wrote:
On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 1:58 AM Alkis Georgopoulos <alkisg at> wrote:
> Hi, I'm an edubuntu-dev member and a DM.
> I've upload rights for ltsp and epoptes in Debian:
> I have upload rights in Ubuntu for epoptes via edubuntu-dev:
> I would like to have upload rights in Ubuntu for ltsp as well.
> One way to do that would be to add "ltsp" to the edubuntu packageset
> (edubuntu did use ltsp a lot),
> and another would be that I get listed as a per-package uploader for
> both ltsp and epoptes.

Hi, sorry for the delay - just to follow up on this, I believe that:

1) you now have PPU upload rights for both ltsp and epoptes for x/b/e/f/g
2) we are planning to decommission and remove the edubuntu packageset,
and the only additional package upload rights you need after it's
removed are for the tux{math,paint,type} and x11vnc packages (as
outlined in

Please let us know if either of those are incorrect.

> I'm OK with either option, but as edubuntu has been deprecated, maybe
> the second option is best?
> Thank you.

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