Proposed documentation and application form changes

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Tue Apr 24 11:14:49 UTC 2018

Dear DMB,

Recently I feel that we have had a number of applications unduly delayed
because of mismatched expectations. These have been for administrative
rather than technical reasons. For example, we have sometimes not had
the information we want to see readily available on the application wiki
page. Longer term, we also sometimes get cases where applicants have not
understood that we generally look to unblock existing sponsoree
uploaders rather than grant upload access before the first upload.

I propose the following documentation and process changes to address

Add a new bulleted item under "When to apply for team membership" as
follows. Rationale: try to help the applicants' expectations match the
DMB's existing expectations when considering an application.

The DMB will expect you to have a need to upload directly such that
membership of the requested team will fulfil this need. Usually the need
is to reduce friction by eliminating sponsorship delays and/or the
burden of sponsorship review work from your sponsors. In this case you
will be expected to demonstrate your need in the form of already
sponsored uploads to some of the packages for which you are requesting
direct upload access. These examples will also help the DMB to assess
your technical readiness to upload the requested packages without
sponsorship supervision.

After "I, <YOUR NAME>...", add a new paragraph as follows. Rationale: we
often need to understand "why" when considering an application. This
will hopefully guide applicants into framing the entire application in
terms of the reasons the DMB usually looks for, while still leaving
applications open to exceptional reasons.

I am applying because:

_Remove any reasons that don't apply, add any extra reasons and edit as

 * I'd like to eliminate delays in getting my work sponsored.
 * I'd like to reduce the burden on my sponsors.

Under "Examples of my work / Things I'm proud of", add a new paragraph
as follows. Rationale: we won't have to spend effort during meetings
digging for this.

_Include your existing sponsored uploads for the packages for which you
are seeking upload rights. You can link directly to an upload by
following [[|this

Feedback appreciated. I don't believe this materially changes anything
the DMB does already, so if there are no objections I'll go ahead and
make the changes.

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