Re-generate the list of my personal packageset?

Aron Xu happyaron at
Wed Apr 12 07:46:24 UTC 2017

On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 11:07 PM, Robie Basak <robie.basak at> wrote:
> Hi Aron,
> Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 12:48:14AM +0800, Aron Xu wrote:
>> Can you help regenerate the list of my personal packageset? There are
>> some updates in my maintained packages at Debian and I'd like to have
>> them included.
> I see a fairly large list of PPU permissions, as well as the
> ubuntyukylin and input-methods packagesets. PPU is currently:
> bbswitch, bumblebee, fbterm-ucimf, fcitx, fcitx-anthy, fcitx-chewing,
> fcitx-cloudpinyin, fcitx-configtool, fcitx-fbterm, fcitx-googlepinyin,
> fcitx-hangul, fcitx-libpinyin, fcitx-m17n, fcitx-qimpanel, fcitx-qt5,
> fcitx-rime, fcitx-sayura, fcitx-sunpinyin, fcitx-table-extra,
> fcitx-table-other, fcitx-ui-light, fcitx-unikey, gecko-mediaplayer,
> gmchess, gnome-mplayer, gnome-paint, ibus, ibus-libpinyin, ibus-pinyin,
> ibus-rime, ibus-table, iptraf-ng, iptux, kcm-fcitx, libgooglepinyin,
> libpinyin, libpyzy, librime, libucimf, libxml2, libxslt, netcat-openbsd,
> openvanilla-modules, primus, proxychains, python-jswebkit, spdylay,
> spl-linux, tcpcopy, trafficserver, ucimf-chewing, ucimf-openvanilla,
> ucimf-sunpinyin, zhcon, zfs-linux
> Please can you tell us exactly what you want amending? We don't have
> tooling for matching up against Debian maintainerships as far as I'm
> aware, so if you could tell me what the diff is, that would be useful.

In alphabet order:

dkms, network-manager and network-manager-*, ocsev, proxychains


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