upload rights for my Debian packages

Dmitrijs Ledkovs dmitrij.ledkov at ubuntu.com
Mon Aug 5 20:33:08 UTC 2013

On 5 August 2013 19:11, Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.com.au> wrote:
> On 05/06/13 01:21, Benjamin Drung wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> Am Montag, den 03.06.2013, 12:54 +0200 schrieb Daniel Pocock:
>>> Hi,
>>> Here is a list of my Debian packages, I am also upstream for some of them:
>>>   http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=daniel@pocock.com.au
>>> Could you please grant me per-package upload rights for these packages,
>>> as per the procedure here:
>>>   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/ApplicationProcess
>>> Can you also advise if I need to apply to the membership board, the
>>> developer membership board, or is this procedure completely automatic
>>> for me as a DD? I have already submitted the signed agreement with
>>> Ubuntu's code of conduct and I have created a basic wiki page about my work:
>>>   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DanielPocock
>> Thanks for caring for your Debian package on Ubuntu. We welcome all
>> Debian Developers in Ubuntu.
>> You have to apply to the Developer Membership Board (DMB) following the
>> limited "dynamic" Per-Package Upload rights process [1]. Once the PPU is
>> granted, you can update the package list by just mailing us (without
>> attending another meeting).
>> I found no manually synchronized package on your Launchpad page [2]. We
>> expect that applying DDs have sufficient knowledge of Ubuntu and know
>> the relevant differences between Ubuntu and Debian. Have you previous
>> experience (syncs, merges, bug fix uploads, or stable release updates)
>> with Ubuntu? If not, I advise you to go through the sponsoring queue [3]
>> for your Ubuntu work for now. Sync requests (requestsync from
>> ubuntu-dev-tools is your friend) are usually processed very quickly. You
>> will then find sponsors that will endorse your PPU application.
> Can I use this method to sync a package that is in the Debian 'NEW'
> queue?  I have two packages that are stuck in NEW waiting for ftp-master
> approval and requestsync gives this error for them:
> E: 'netxx' doesn't appear to exist in Debian 'sid'
> E: 'cajun' doesn't appear to exist in Debian 'sid'

No, one cannot use this method to sync from debian new queue.
requestsync / syncpackage tools only work against debian mirror in
launchpad, thus a package needs to be available at:


to be available for sync. This is usually within hours the package is
available from the debian uk mirror.

Please note uploading directly into ubuntu, will also result in NEW
queue processing, with processing times often longer than debian NEW
processing as there is even less people available for reviews (in
particular for packages that should go into debian first). Generally
packages should clear debian's new queue and only then get synced into



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