Request for a Mozilla Package set

Micah Gersten micahg at
Tue May 18 16:53:57 UTC 2010

Hash: SHA1

With the faster pace of upstream Mozilla development, we need to merge a
lot of packages that were previously syncs from Debian. While Debian
still has xulrunner-1.9.2 in Experimental, we migrated the Ubuntu
archive to it last release. I propose creating a Mozilla package set so
that select Mozilla Team members (as members of the Ubuntu Mozilla
Uploaders Team [1]) can upload the packages related to xulrunner.
These include the upstream Mozilla applications (Firefox, Thunderbird,
Seamonkey, ...), Mozilla Extensions (xul-ext-*), and the xulrunner
rdepends (conkeror, miro, eclipse, ...).  An initial list of packages
that are being requested is attached.  These will all need to be adapted
as a group as we introduce new xulrunner versions into the development
release.  If Mozilla continues with their rapid release cycle, we will
be migrating xulrunner versions either every release, or every other
release.  There will inevitably be issues with some of the migrated
packages and having a package set will allow quick deployment of fixes
so that we can get adequate testing in the development release.

Thank you,
Micah Gersten on behalf of the Ubuntu Mozilla Uploaders Team [1]

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