Minutes from the Developer membership Board 2010-05-25

Emmet Hikory persia at ubuntu.com
Tue Jul 6 16:12:32 UTC 2010

Chair: Emmet Hikory
Present: Michael Bienia, Colin Watson, Richard Johnson, Stéphane
Graber, Cody Somerville
Absent: Soren Hansen

Action Review:

* cjwatson to add PPU stuff in LP for Sylvestre Ledru, Scott moser,
Rodney Dawes and Chad Miller [DONE]
* cjwatson to create ubuntu-kernel-uploaders team owned by the DMB
that will provide upload permissions to Ubuntu kernel packages
* Cody to write an e-mail to the list concerning the layout/format of
the DMB meeting - membership first [PENDING]

Administrative Matters:

= Meeting Structure =

The DMB discussed changes in the way the meeting is structured, in
terms of the order of applicants, and the processing of administrative
matters, in an attempt to provide better guidance to applicants on
when/if they would be processed in a given meeting.  No conclusions
were reached, and it was determined to continue the discussion by
email.  Significant proposals were to order applications first,
categorised by type of applications; and to order by date of
application, first applied, first considered.

= Mozilla Uploaders Package Set =

Application: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2010-May/000062.html
Approved: 5 in favour

= Voting Procedures =

It was proposed that, in an effort to provide more considered
communications of conclusions to applicants, the DMB review the
applications with the applicant in the meeting, and then vote by
email, composing a summary decision for presentation.  This was
discussed, inconclusively, and it was determined that it made sense to
have this discussion by email, in part as a way to measure the DMB's
ability to process things by email.


= MOTU application: Artur Rona =
Application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArturRona/MOTUApplication
Deferred: 1 in favour, 1 against, 4 abstentions

= Contributing Developer application: Artur Rona =
Application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArturRona/MOTUApplication
Approved: 5 in favour, 1 abstention

= MOTU Application for Ahmed El-Mahmoudy =
Application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/أحمد المحمودي/MOTUApplication
Approved: 5 in favour

= Contributing Developer Application for Andrew Pollock =
Application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AndrewPollock/DeveloperApplication
Approved: 5 in favour

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