Elliot Murphy applying for MOTU and per-package uploader rights

Elliot Murphy elliot at canonical.com
Sun Jan 31 06:29:57 UTC 2010


I applied for MOTU and per-package uploader rights, but MOTU Council
was not able to process my application by email, and only one member
of MOTU council attended the last meeting, and unable to reach a
quorum due to rapidly expiring memberships. So, I was advised to
forward my application here. You can see my wiki page application that
was prepared for MOTU council here:
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ElliotMurphy/DeveloperApplication and you can
see an email thread where I answered some questions from Emmett here:

I've taken the liberty of adding myself to the agenda for Tuesday
February 2nd at 1500 UTC, hope that was the right thing to do. See you
on IRC!

Elliot Murphy | https://launchpad.net/~statik/

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