[Bug 79351] Re: clicking on a file makes it disappear (like it was deleted)

encompass encompass at gmail.com
Wed Jan 31 14:38:56 UTC 2007

Answers are in the email.  Unanswered will be answered later.
On Wed, 2007-01-31 at 11:45 +0000, Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> Does the file vanish if you copy on your desktop and click on it by
> example?
Nope... I checked and it doesn't vanish.  I also noticed that it doesn't
move if I am in Icon view.  Instead of List View.
>  Does it happen with an another folder with not that many item?
I doesn't seem too.  I am trying to make it happen in another folder but
can seem to get it to work with fewer files. I suppose I could try more
and more. Would you like me to do that?
> What mimetype is listed by the nautilus properties dialog on it?
That is what it gave me....
It looks like all of them are that format.  Hmm... a relation.
I also for the heck of it check at different zoom levels and it still
produces the problem.  (I wondered 'cause I always read this list at a
smaller icon zoom level.
Happy to help...

clicking on a file makes it disappear (like it was deleted)

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