Next Release of Checkbox (Week #40 Release Candidate #5) available in Testing PPA

Sylvain Pineau sylvain.pineau at
Thu Oct 3 09:25:28 UTC 2019

Hello all!

The next release of Checkbox is available in the testing PPA:

Components with new fixes/updates:
- plainbox-provider-checkbox 0.49.0rc5
- checkbox-provider-phoronix 0.2.0rc4

Components in testing w/o new updates (See [1],[2],[3] and [4] for their 
- checkbox-ng 1.5.0rc3
- checkbox-support 0.42.0rc2
- plainbox-provider-resource 0.41.0rc2
- plainbox-provider-tpm2 1.11.0rc2
- plainbox-provider-certification-client 0.38.0rc2
- plainbox-provider-certification-server 0.43.0rc2
- plainbox-provider-sru 1.14.0rc1
- plainbox-provider-ipdt 0.2.0rc1

Please help testing this version.


This upcoming version no longer supports the passwordless solution based on
pkexec and "insecure" policy files.
The new unified job runner only supports sudo and will help having a 
common way
to start checkbox using just the 'remote' systemd unit as a backend runner.
The immediate consequence is that automated and headless invocations now 
to install a sudoer file to keep the passworless feature. Checkbox itself
won't provide this mechanism by default for debian packages installations.
Please add such file prior testing using for example:

$ echo "$USER ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | sudo tee 

Bug fixes


+ Bump to v0.49.0rc5
*+ network: Add a packaging meta data unit to depend on iperf3**
**+ disks: Add missing packaging meta-data unit to depend on 
**+ add after-suspend-auto-switch-card**
**+ firmware: Remove the no_ACPI_REV_interface test*
+ Bump to v0.49.0rc4
+ submission: Expose the full set of DMI devices in raw-devices-dmi 
+ add pig-enabled test plan
+ modify edid-cycle test to use PIG
+ Bump to v0.49.0rc3
+ Work around LXD test failures caused by ownership issues
+ add after-suspend-usb-automated test plan
+ Attempt to get the gateway ip address for the interface and ping it 
before ARPing for available IPs to use in gateway_ping_test
+ alsa_test: add fallback loopback scenario
+ alsa_test: add list-devices subcmd
+ alsa_test: use proper AlsaError
+ alsa_test: fix warnings regarding no return statement
+ dont drain capture PCMs, drop them instead
+ remove unnecessary `more` invocation
+ units:wireless: New 80211ax jobs and nested parts for test plans
+ stress: Add iperf3 test plan
+ ethernet: Add iperf3 reverse test script and job
+ adjust graphic test for UMA platform
+ Fix deprecation warning about platform.linux_distribution() in 
secure_boot_mode test.
+ change palm-rejection test to user-itneract
+ suspend_advanced_auto: fallback to rtcwake if fwts s3 is not supported
+ stress: support customized value over env var
+ Add manual test to check decryption error when TPM data modified
+ wireless: remove superfluous wifi category
+ usb: remove superfluous usb2/usb3 categories
+ power-management: remove superfluous power category
+ bluetooth: remove superfluous bluetooth category
+ wwan: import from p-p-snappy
+ wireless: import from p-p-snappy
+ usb: import from p-p-snappy
+ tpm: import from p-p-snappy
+ suspend: import from p-p-snappy
+ stress: import from p-p-snappy
+ snappy: import from p-p-snappy
+ serial: import from p-p-snappy
+ self: import from p-p-snappy
+ security: import from p-p-snappy
+ rtc: import from p-p-snappy
+ power-management: import from p-p-snappy
+ watchdog: import from p-p-snappy
+ monitor: import from p-p-snappy
+ memory: import from p-p-snappy
+ mediacard: import from p-p-snappy
+ location: import from p-p-snappy
+ kernel-snap: import from p-p-snappy
+ info: import parts_meta_info_attachment
+ i2c: import from p-p-snappy
+ gpio: import from p-p-snappy
+ gadget: import from p-p-snappy
+ cpu: import from p-p-snappy
+ Bump to v0.49.0rc2
+ add auto switch card when the default graphic is discrete gpu
+ add auto switch card when the default graphic is discrete gpu
+ bluetooth: import from p-p-snappy
+ audio: import from p-p-snappy
+ 6lowpan: import from p-p-snappy
+ src: import alsa_test from p-p-snappy
+ Bump to v0.49.0rc1
+ data: import all p-p-snappy data files
+ bin: import all p-p-snappy scripts
+ misc: add test checking fans' reaction to cpu load
+ Fix redundant suspend test
+ modify graphics suffix
+ audio: linein, lineout require desktop or AIO
+ modify bluetooth file transfer test
+ wireless/netplan: wait on interface state routable
+ Add after suspend dvd read tests
+ Remove bluetooth/HID test
+ Remove some touchpad tests
+ Remove battery-info hotkey test
+ remove mediacard/sd related tests
+ modify monitor test plan
+ TEMP: disable requires on net_if_management
+ disk: remove storage_test script
+ disk: storage-device test script modifications
+ To correct the name for after suspend touchscreen test plan
+ usb: use lsusb from checkbox-support
+ bin:pm_test: use the proper fwts.log file to compute sleep/resume times
+ Fix thunderbolt cert blocker test cases
+ update sandybridge fingerprints
+ wifi_client_test_netplan: use gateway_ping_test
+ wifi_client_test_netplan: add log collection
+ wireless: enable net-driver-info for netplan tests
+ wireless: import netplan tests from p-p-snappy
+ pep8 cleanup
+ Replace exception raising with a sys.exit and helpful message
+ wireless: NetworkManager jobs requires update
+ hotkey_tests: add top-level docstring
+ hotkey_tests: add playpause button scenario
+ hotkey_tests: use two devs: one keyboard, one special events
+ Add after suspend thunderbolt/thunderbolt3 test cases
+ add flags to make the after suspend camera test can be run
+ monitor: add missing job for type-c tests
+ monitor: add type-c tests and after-suspend TP for discrete-gpu
+ Add missing suspend usb-c/c-to-ethernet-adapter-insert test
+ Add non-manifest-dependent mediacard test for server LP: #1832233
+ rotation_test: use xrandr bin to rotate the screen
+ monitor: add audio playback type-c to hdmi in test plan
+ monitor: modify jobs contents for more consistent with others
+ audio: add type-c to hdmi audio job
+ bin: let PRIME offloading on AMD GPUs work on any Ubuntu release
+ monitor: add display mode test steps to VGA/DVI/DP/HDMI
+ increment version to v0.49.0.dev0
+ network_device_info: handle missing udev attrs
+ network_info: consolidate jobs on newer info script
+ ethernet: add info_automated_server job
+ wireless: add detect job and manifest
+ network_device_info: refactor with argparse
+ bin:removable_storage_test: Ensure it is a media card reader only if 
this was explicitly requested
+ Added fingerprints for ROME and EPYC CPUs
+ Added CPUID script and jobs for server cert to attempt to identify CPU 
+ wifi_nmcli_test: remove trusty support as EOL
+ add automated EDID test
+ bin:gst_pipeline_test: Use pactl instead of pacmd
+ hotkey_tests: fix crashing on no match
+ hotkey_tests: add mute scenario
+ hotkey_tests: remove return values from contextmanager
+ hotkey_tests: add volume down key test
+ touchscreen: add after-suspend jobs lp:1811933
+ check other netplan dirs, and instead of E/N/I for non-netplan systems 
(e.g. desktop) query NetworkManager instead
+ Added job to attach netplan or E/N/I to test runs for server. lp: #1829538
+ add journalctl log collection
+ hotkey_tests: make volume monitoring more generic
+ hotkey_tests: add alt+f2 scenario
+ hotkey_tests: give terminal_hotkey test time to process the cmd
+ touchscreen: remove multitouch-dash cert test plan
+ networking: add ethernet/hotplug* to cert-blockers
+ monitor: test-plan ordering changes lp #1812160

+ Bump to v0.2.0rc4
*+ remove tiobench**
**+ remove FFTW tests**
**+ use precise xorg-dev package*
+ Bump to v0.2.0rc3
+ remove memory bandwidth test
+ Bump to v0.2.0rc2
+ Add tests for the pmr hook
+ chmod +x on pmr-merge-hook
+ add necessary packaging meta-data
+ don't run all test combinations
+ Bump to v0.2.0rc1
+ Add .pmr-merge-hook
+ Add .bumpversion.cfg
+ add phoronix category and annotate the jobs
+ add README
+ add proposed list of PTS tests
+ install tests if not using preloading
+ remove tests-results if copied from preload path
+ add a report generating and attaching job
+ use pts wrapper when running jobs
+ add a wrapper that checks if the pts test succeeded
+ add basic hierarchy of units
+ add configuration for seamless batch runs
+ vendorize phoronix-test-suite


Sylvain Pineau


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