Next Release of Checkbox (Week #34 Release Candidate) available in Testing PPA

Sylvain Pineau sylvain.pineau at
Wed Aug 21 10:48:44 UTC 2019

Hello all!

The next release of Checkbox is available in the testing PPA:

- checkbox-ng 1.5.0rc1
- checkbox-support 0.42.0rc1
- plainbox-provider-resource 0.41.0rc1
- plainbox-provider-checkbox 0.49.0rc2
- plainbox-provider-tpm2 1.11.0rc1
- plainbox-provider-certification-client 0.38.0rc1
- plainbox-provider-certification-server 0.43.0rc1
- plainbox-provider-sru 1.14.0rc1

Please help testing this version.

Bug fixes


+ subcommands: don't crash when there are no TPs available
+ run: support custom configs in run subcmd
+ config: remove CheckBoxConfig and rework check-config subcmd
+ config: always load configs from SNAP_DATA
+ sudo_broker: make sure that sudo is usable even when run as root
+ sudo_broker: don't check if sudo asks for pass when run as root
+ docs: add a page about the daemonic slave
+ remote: add sending of kills to the slave
+ docs: update chapter about configs
+ remote: support slave-side configs
+ config: let configs be appended when reading from string
+ config: outline loading of file configs to a function
+ sudo_broker: defer checking if sudo requires password
+ execution: use sane defaults for runner configuration
+ tests: update --help test
+ provider_manager: add test command to
+ subcommands: Ensure submissions generated with `merge-*` commands are 
+ po: Update after ptl removal
+ contrib: remove policykit files
+ resource-caching: display result even when comming from cache
+ result: change disk result access logging to info from warning
+ reesource_caching: move clearing of cache from SA
+ resource-caching: propagate info to the caller whether res is from cache
+ runner: remove unnecessary import
+ execution: fix crash on cachables; use the right run_command call
+ jobs: remove via_job field
+ remove trusted launcher
+ remote: fix a crash when resuming the session after resume
+ remote: relax back the polling rate
+ remote: fix race when background exec hasn't yet started
+ execution: fix crashing when resuming from an autorestart job
+ execution: add unified runner
+ assistant: add support for custom Runner kwargs
+ urwid_ui: fix crash in TestPlanBrowser
+ urwid_ui: add filterer for test plan names
+ docs: add dependency on before suspend job
+ docs: fix errors in job unit page regarding the siblings property
+ urwid_ui: disable mouse input in main loops
+ urwid_ui: sort test plans by name
+ urwid_ui: palette and key fixes
+ urwid_ui: help and ID display for TestPlanBrowser

+ parsers/netplan: support providing conf as string
+ parsers/udevadm: devmapper filter uses ID_FS_USAGE
+ lsusb: import script
+ test_udevadm: test for video capture metadata device nodes
+ udevadm_data: System with 4 video device nodes (two being capture 
metadata nodes)
+ parsers:udevadm: Ignore Metadata Capture device node
+ parsers/netplan: new parser for netplan configs
+ test_udevadm: test for symlink_uuid property
+ udevadm_data: DH170 with usb stick rebooted
+ udevadm_data: DH170 usb stick inserted no reboot
+ support partitions list in parser
+ expose symlink_uuid property
+ store symlink udev attributes
+ flake8 fixes for udev parser
+ xrandr: fix crashing when DISPLAY is not defined
+ increment version to v0.42.0.dev0
+ snap_utils:snapd: Add task_timeout and poll_interval init parameters

+ net_if_mgmnt: move snippets to text files
+ net_if_mgmnt: shutil.which for availability tests
+ net_if_mgmnt: tests of the job script
+ net_if_mgmnt: rework to make testable
+ usb: move call to checkbox-support script
+ net_if_management: init category_scope_manager
+ net_if_management: handle category renderer config
+ net_if_management: add resource job
+ udev_resource: add symlink_uuui to known attrs

+ add auto switch card when the default graphic is discrete gpu
+ misc: add test checking fans' reaction to cpu load
+ Fix redundant suspend test
+ modify graphics suffix
+ audio: linein, lineout require desktop or AIO
+ modify bluetooth file transfer test
+ wireless/netplan: wait on interface state routable
+ Add after suspend dvd read tests
+ Remove bluetooth/HID test
+ Remove some touchpad tests
+ Remove battery-info hotkey test
+ remove mediacard/sd related tests
+ modify monitor test plan
+ TEMP: disable requires on net_if_management
+ disk: remove storage_test script
+ disk: storage-device test script modifications
+ To correct the name for after suspend touchscreen test plan
+ usb: use lsusb from checkbox-support
+ bin:pm_test: use the proper fwts.log file to compute sleep/resume times
+ Fix thunderbolt cert blocker test cases
+ update sandybridge fingerprints
+ wifi_client_test_netplan: use gateway_ping_test
+ wifi_client_test_netplan: add log collection
+ wireless: enable net-driver-info for netplan tests
+ wireless: import netplan tests from p-p-snappy
+ Replace exception raising with a sys.exit and helpful message
+ wireless: NetworkManager jobs requires update
+ hotkey_tests: add top-level docstring
+ hotkey_tests: add playpause button scenario
+ hotkey_tests: use two devs: one keyboard, one special events
+ Add after suspend thunderbolt/thunderbolt3 test cases
+ add flags to make the after suspend camera test can be run
+ monitor: add missing job for type-c tests
+ monitor: add type-c tests and after-suspend TP for discrete-gpu
+ Add missing suspend usb-c/c-to-ethernet-adapter-insert test
+ Add non-manifest-dependent mediacard test for server LP: #1832233
+ rotation_test: use xrandr bin to rotate the screen
+ monitor: add audio playback type-c to hdmi in test plan
+ monitor: modify jobs contents for more consistent with others
+ audio: add type-c to hdmi audio job
+ bin: let PRIME offloading on AMD GPUs work on any Ubuntu release
+ monitor: add display mode test steps to VGA/DVI/DP/HDMI
+ increment version to v0.49.0.dev0
+ network_device_info: handle missing udev attrs
+ network_info: consolidate jobs on newer info script
+ ethernet: add info_automated_server job
+ wireless: add detect job and manifest
+ network_device_info: refactor with argparse
+ bin:removable_storage_test: Ensure it is a media card reader only if 
this was explicitly requested
+ Added fingerprints for ROME and EPYC CPUs
+ Added CPUID script and jobs for server cert to attempt to identify CPU 
+ wifi_nmcli_test: remove trusty support as EOL
+ add automated EDID test
+ bin:gst_pipeline_test: Use pactl instead of pacmd
+ hotkey_tests: fix crashing on no match
+ hotkey_tests: add mute scenario
+ hotkey_tests: remove return values from contextmanager
+ hotkey_tests: add volume down key test
+ touchscreen: add after-suspend jobs lp:1811933
+ check other netplan dirs, and instead of E/N/I for non-netplan systems 
(e.g. desktop) query NetworkManager instead
+ Added job to attach netplan or E/N/I to test runs for server. lp: #1829538
+ add journalctl log collection
+ hotkey_tests: make volume monitoring more generic
+ hotkey_tests: add alt+f2 scenario
+ hotkey_tests: give terminal_hotkey test time to process the cmd
+ touchscreen: remove multitouch-dash cert test plan
+ networking: add ethernet/hotplug* to cert-blockers
+ monitor: test-plan ordering changes lp #1812160

+ Remove redirect &>/dev/null

+ add missing "after-suspend-monitor-discrete-gpu-cert-full" test plan
+ Modify client cert 18.04 test plan for ODM testing

+ units/storage-only.pxu: removed old disk/storage_device_* test from plan.
+ minor formatting nit-picks
+ modified jobs in test plans for newly defined sd-preinserted-server 
job. LP: 1832233
+ increment version to v0.43.0.dev0
+ added new regression pxu file and launcher
+ Fix mis-reported max link speeds in canonical-certification-precheck

+ add fan-stress-reaction test to desktop SRU TP
+ Add stress-ng tests for cpu and disk


Sylvain Pineau

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