Procedure for adding dependency

Jeffrey Lane jeffrey.lane at
Thu Feb 4 16:39:53 UTC 2016

Ahhh, thanks Sylvain.  I saw your merge and wondered about that (I
didn't look too closely).

On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 11:38 AM, Sylvain Pineau
<sylvain.pineau at> wrote:
> On 04/02/2016 17:30, Jeffrey Lane wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 10:37 AM, Roderick W. Smith
>> <rod.smith at> wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> On 02/03/2016 10:47 PM, Pierre Equoy wrote:
>>>> P.S.: It looks like the merge that was done after your modification
>>>> is breaking things [1], but I'm not sure why exactly (I mean it's a
>>>> merge conflict but I'm not sure of the root cause).
>>>> [1] for example on Xenial build:
>>> It looks like a problem with this merge for the whitelist support:
>>> Could the system be trying to merge that in automatically after it was
>>> already approved and merged by Jeff? Of possible relevance, I
>>> accidentally submitted the same changes to the wrong location and
>>> couldn't figure out how to request a merge from there:
>> Yeah, I couldn't figure out what the issue was either.  I used PMR to
>> merge it (unless there is some other instance of it sitting out there
>> someone else is running).  But it merged clean according to PMR.
>> There was no mention of conflicts or anything like that during the
>> merge and push to trunk.
>> I asked about it in the ce-certification-qa channel, but it was after
>> EOD for most of the team.
> it was a mistake on our side, as both the packaging branch and master trunk
> had the provider files.
> The packaging branch should only had a debian dir nothing else [1].
> I fixed it and requested new builds (in our dev ppa). They all build fine
> now
> [1]
>>> I just dropped that one, since I assumed it wouldn't cause any real
>>> problems, but if the build scripts are picking it up, maybe something
>>> needs to be done with it...?
>>> If there's something else I need to do to help clear this up, please
>>> tell me!
>>> - --
>>> Rod Smith
>>> Server and Cloud Certification Engineer
>>> rod.smith at
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> --
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"Entropy isn't what it used to be."

Jeff Lane - Server Certification Lead, OCP Certification Tools Engineering Lead,
                  Warrior Poet, Biker, Lover of Pie
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