Plans for Bazaar

Will Parsons wbp at nodomain.invalid
Fri May 26 21:23:24 UTC 2017

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> On 2017-05-26 08:20 AM, Brendan Simon (eTRIX) wrote:
>> On 26/5/17 10:00 pm, bazaar-request at wrote:
>> I know it's just a name, but I can't say that Breezy really rocks.=20
>> Having said that I can't think of anything better.  BNG (Bazaar next
>> gen) is easier to type :)  BaNG perhaps?  Just throwing it out there.

"BNG" definitely (see below).

> Fun fact: the current Bazaar is already "Next Generation".  The original
> Bazaar was a "Friendly fork" of Gnu Arch, now called "Baz".
> Since the current Bazaar was originally called Bazaar-NG, calling
> something else "Next Gen" could cause confusion.

Will it?  Regardless of whether "next generation" is appropriate, having
"bng" as a command is *far* easier to type than many other alternatives.
Back when I was experimenting with what were at the time the leading modern
source control systems, viz. bazaar(-ng), mercurial, and git, one *clear*
advantage that Mercurial had over the others was how easy it was to type "hg"
("git" was easy, too), but "bzr" was just so difficult to type!  "BNG" with
the letters centrally placed and close to each other, is much better than
anything with a Z.  (And, yes, this is a serious comment.)


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