CentOS 7: Want a functional loggerhead

Kevin Bulgrien kevin.bulgrien at freedomcte.com
Sat Sep 12 14:10:43 UTC 2015

> On September 12, 2015 at 4:43 AM Richard Wilbur <richard.wilbur at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 4:36 PM, Kevin R. Bulgrien
> <kevin.bulgrien at freedomcte.com> wrote:
> >> Test loggerhead in this configuration:
> >>
> >> $ export PYTHONPATH=/home/app/lib/python2.6/site-packages
> I'm guessing part of the problem may lie in this PYTHONPATH.  If you try
> $ cd ~bzr/blah && bzr info
> does it give you the branch information with that PYTHONPATH?  What
> was PYTHONPATH on CentOS 6 when you are running serve-branches?

The last e-mail I sent was all done on CentOS 6 specifically to prove that my
use on both systems was much more similar.  The PYTHONPATH was the
same on both systems.
> I think you most likely need something like:
> export
> PYTHONPATH=/home/app/lib/python2.6/site-packages:/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages

No.  That's not how
https://docs.python.org/2/using/cmdline.html#envvar-PYTHONPATH reads
and not what is happening.  PYTHONPATH augments the internal default
path and does not replace it.  If it were the case that PYTHONPATH replaced
the internal
search path, my bzr would also be broken as, a whole lot more would not have
because my PYTHONPATH only pointed to loggerhead and simpletal.  I can still
bzr in this environment.

> or the like.  The idea is PYTHONPATH=<additional packages
> path>:<original system packages path>
> Check the documentation in <loggerhead>/docs/index.rst for a few more clues.

I'll read it, but if I have to read that to get it to work, why does it work
fine on CentOS 6?
Apparently the procedures used are effective at getting loggerhead to work on
at least
two systems I run.  It's only the CentOS 7 system that won't work.  The only
part of
loggerhead I have trouble on all systems is the start-loggerhead script.

> My understanding is that loggerhead needs to be able to run bzr on the
> branches you want served.  So bzrlib needs to be in the PYTHONPATH.
> Sincerely,
> Richard

Thanks for sticking with this.

Kevin R Bulgrien

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