Windows installer for bzr 2.6

John Meinel john at
Sat Apr 12 06:14:41 UTC 2014

We've always just done official builds, and used the beta process to
validate things, rather than staging a release somewhere and then uploading
it to the official location.

Since these are being built by a third party that hasn't done them before,
I'd like to see some people getting it and using it before we put it up as
the official builds. I'm able to do the final upload if they've been
verified by a couple people.


On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 8:17 AM, Richard Wilbur <richard.wilbur at>wrote:

> Mark, thanks for the work to get the windows installer built!
> Anybody know where the windows installer has been placed for test and
> verification before release?  I didn't find any mention of the place
> in the announcements of 2.6b1 or 2.6b2.  The only place I found
> windows installers was at the official download page.[0]
> Thank you for taking notes on the process.  We'd like to get those
> integrated into the documentation to make it easier (fewer curses and
> less hitting of heads;>) the next time.  I'm curious, did you refer to
> (or know about) the build instructions in the repository?[1]
> Sincerely,
> Richard
> References:
> [0]
> [1]
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