CVS "just works?"

Mark A. Flacy mflacy at
Mon Sep 9 20:07:05 UTC 2013

On Monday, September 09, 2013 09:13:35 AM Thorsten Glaser wrote:
> On Fri, 6 Sep 2013, JP Vossen wrote:
> > have to disagree there.  CVS is fundamentally broken because of the way it
> > does everything "per file."
> For a *lot* of workloads, this is better than the models
> used by svn, bzr or *shudder* git.

Those would be workloads where each file that you have under version control  
is totally unrelated to every other file that is being version controlled.  
Otherwise, you'd be mildly interested in the ability to make atomic changes to 
more than one file at once.

I'm mildly interested in an example of one of these workloads.

Mark A. Flacy
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