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Mark A. Flacy mflacy at
Thu Aug 8 04:21:11 UTC 2013

On Wednesday, August 07, 2013 11:39:22 PM Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > So that many scripts are currently broken?
> Many more are broken, of course.  But if you limit by "broken by this
> particular quirk", yes, that's my guess.
> They most likely work OK in practice because the users of those scripts
> almost never use them below the project's root.  Doesn't mean they're
> not broken.
>         Stefan

Well, a couple of disjoint things:

1) IBM Clearcase UCM's version of 'bzr status' (cleartool lsact -long) gives 
you paths based upon the view's root directory, versus relative to wherever 
you happen to be in the view.  Mercurial's status command (at least in version 
2.2.2, which I happen to have installed) gives status based on the project 
root. 'git status' also acts the same way.  So bzr's "quirk" is hardly unique, 
unless you're used to CVS and SVN.

2) Any script writer that modified the output of 'bzr status' to show relative 
paths will have their scripts broken if the default changes.  Those that 
actually *expect* to get the path-from-root no matter where they are in tree 
to do something will have their scripts broken if the default changes.  

Changing the default is going to break almost all scripts that are out there, 
IMO.  Those that do the equivalent of the bash idiom...
    cd $( bzr root )
    # run whatever status manipulating commands that you want which assume
    # that your CWD is the project root
...won't notice the change.  It seems unlikely to me that many people would 
write their scripts in such a fashion.

Mark A. Flacy
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