share repo branches backup and multi-push

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu May 23 06:10:51 UTC 2013

Hash: SHA1

On 2013-05-23 8:58, Chris Hecker wrote:
>> If you don't have the branches, then you want: bzr heads --dead 
>> Which is the tip revisions that are *not* part of known
>> branches.
> Ah, cool, thanks.  I'd used that before for uncommitted heads, but 
> didn't think to use it here.
> So now, how would I make a new branch from that information under
> the shared repo?
> Also, it only shows one tip because my branches are used to merge
> virgin code from libraries, but I assume once I figure out how to
> make a branch on the actual tip, I can go back through the log and
> find the other "tips" fairly easily.
> Chris

I think you do need *a* branch to run other operations on. But you
should be able to do something like:

cd $REPO
bzr init trunk
cd trunk
bzr heads --dead
bzr pull -r revid:XXYYZZ .

You can use 'bzr log' to show you the 'branch nick' which will let you
know where revisions come from.

Generally, though, if they aren't a unique tip, you'll want to try to
keep the branch around. The only bit you strictly need is


> On 2013-05-22 21:16, John Arbash Meinel wrote: On 2013-05-23 0:06,
> Chris Hecker wrote:
>>>> Hmm, now that I'm actually trying, I can't get any
>>>> information out of just a plain old raw shared repository
>>>> .bzr without any branches under it.  This implies you can log
>>>> one to see the revisions, but that doesn't appear to be true
>>>> if there are no branch directories under it:
>>>> The data is obviously there, but I don't know how to get to
>>>> it.
>>>> Thanks, Chris
> If you don't have the branches, then you want:
> bzr heads --dead
> Which is the tip revisions that are *not* part of known branches. 
> John =:->

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