bzr-hookless-email doesn't work with bzr 2.6

Glenn Morris rgm at
Mon May 13 18:44:46 UTC 2013

Thanks a lot, this all looks very helpful!

Vincent Ladeuil wrote:

>     > I guess the only other option is to use the bzr-email plugin.
> Not sure about your use case here, but from reading bzr-hookless-email
> it seems to send one email by revision for all revisions since the last
> mail has been sent. Whereas bzr-email will send only one mail without
> tracking the revision. Does that still fit your use case ?

I think bzr-email would be fine. I'm not totally sure why Savannah went
with bzr-hookless-email originally. IIUC it was because of a dislike of
plugins. I can understand not wanting to let users install arbitrary
plugins, but I don't see the same problem with system plugins.

> Also, if bzr-hookless-email want to send mails from the last sent
> revision, may be you can just skip the problematic revision and set
> 'last_revision_mailed' to a newer one ? That may work around the issue
> while searching for the proper fix ?

Fantastic, yes, this worked!

> AFAIUI, these threads are about "Setting up bzr+ssh on Savannah" which
> seems to be a broader subject than just emailing about commits.

Sorry, I guess the only relevant bit is:

    For a highly secure environment like savannah, I'd be happy to
    provide an even less configurable bzr-email than normal, which users
    cannot configure at all beyond choosing to have commits sent or not.

   we'll want to give it an audit to make sure users won't be able to
   inject a command to run remotely

> I had a look at bzr-hookless-email but it uses too many pieces I don't
> know so I can't really comment on how or why it fails here.

Thanks for trying. :)

>     > Maybe the concern is that someone with write access to a branch's
>     > bazaar.conf
> Yeah, it's called branch.conf

(Sorry, just a typo on my part.)

>     > could eg set post_commit_mailer to something malicious?
> Not sure what, it has to be an external resource supposed to be a
> mailer.

This was just my guess from reading

  How emails are sent is determined by the value of the configuration
  option 'post_commit_mailer':
  Any other value: Run the value expecting it to behave like /usr/bin/mail

So I wonder what happens if I set it "rm -rf /"...
Maybe it fails, but it's not obvious from the doc.

> Now, if post_commit_mailer is under the branch control, it can
> point to some code added by the branch.
> So, if there is need to counter this potential vulnerability,
> post_commit_mailer should remain under site admins control.


> In bzr-email, the design is that a few hooks are defined and will
> received a "config stack" from the branch they are run for.
> This stack will search for the option values (in this order) defined:
> - on the command line,
> - in the locations.conf file
> - in the branch.conf (for the branch involved) file,
> - in the bazaar.conf file,
> - as default.
> So, it's unclear to me if/where you can define options in a way that an
> arbitrary user cannot override as it depends on what policy savannah
> enforces for the locations.conf and bazaar.conf files (if a user can
> modify a branch he generally can modify branch.conf too).

Yes, as an ordinary user I can modify a branch's branch.conf. This would
actually be useful, so that I can enable/disable commit emails for a
branch (using bzr config). Currently, we have to ask the admins to do

I don't know about locations.conf or bazaar.conf. I don't think I can
modify those as an ordinary user, since (AFAIK) I have no shell access,
only access via bzr+ssh.

> If bzr is run as a specific user that only savannah admins have access
> to, defining options in locations.conf (with a section valid for all
> branches) will be a way to override whatever is defined in branch.conf.

Thanks, very useful to know. I will pass this on to the Savannah admins,
I don't know the details of how they have it implemented.

> If not, well, may be you can patch the plugin to use hard-coded values
> instead of getting them from a config stack ? Or getting them from a
> different config stack (which could be tailored to be as specific as
> needed).
> For reference, branch.conf (which is used by bzr-email-hooks,
> bzr-hookless-email is less clear but could be upgraded to use the newer
> API (the old one is still available for compatibility) is defined as:
> class BranchStack(Stack):
>     """Per-location options falling back to branch then global options stack.
>     The following sections are queried:
>     * command-line overrides,
>     * the sections matching ``location`` in ``locations.conf``, the order being
>       defined by the number of path components in the section glob, higher
>       numbers first (from most specific section to most generic),
>     * the no-name section in branch.conf,
>     * the ``DEFAULT`` section in ``bazaar.conf``.
>     This stack will use the no-name section in ``branch.conf`` as its
>     MutableSection.
>     """
>     def __init__(self, branch):
>         lstore = self.get_shared_store(LocationStore())
>         bstore = branch._get_config_store()
>         gstore = self.get_shared_store(GlobalStore())
>         super(BranchStack, self).__init__(
>             [self._get_overrides,
>              LocationMatcher(lstore, branch.base).get_sections,
>              NameMatcher(bstore, None).get_sections,
>              NameMatcher(gstore, 'DEFAULT').get_sections],
>             bstore)
> which for savannah could be simplified to be just (untested code):
> class SavannahStack():
>     """Savannah options stack.
>     The following sections are queried:
>     * the no-name section in /whatever/savannah.conf,
>     This stack will use the no-name section in ``savannah.conf`` as its
>     MutableSection.
>     """
>     def __init__(self):
>         sstore = self.get_shared_store(SavannahStore())
>         super(SavannahStack, self).__init__(
>             [NameMatcher(sstore, None).get_sections,
>             sstore)
> class SavannahStore(LockableIniFileStore):
>     def __init__(self, possible_transports=None):
>         t = transport.get_transport_from_path(
>             '/whatever, possible_transports=possible_transports)
>         super(SavannahStore, self).__init__(t, 'savannah.conf')
> '/whatever' should be a directory under admins control and can be
> read-only for everybody else.

Thanks very much for the hints!

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