Bzr development stopped

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Sat Nov 24 22:02:25 UTC 2012

On Sat, 2012-11-24 at 12:34 -0500, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Nov 23, 2012, at 10:15 PM, Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
> >For myself to be interested in contributing to Bazaar (and I suspect for
> >others as well), I think it's important to have a vision for the
> >project. Retrospectives would be useful here.
> >
> >I've considered doing a friendly fork (no CLA's, etc) of Bazaar that
> >integrated bzr-git and bzr-fastimport (and perhaps other plugins) and
> >switched it to the git format as the default format, rather than 2a.
> >That way it would just be another part of the git ecosystem rather than
> >its own small corner of the world.
> As you know, I've advocated for something like this for many years.  I know
> when we've talked about this in the past, it was pointed out that git format
> doesn't support everything that 2a supports.  You'd know the details much
> better than I, but IIRC, renames and directory tracking were the two main
> missing features.  Still, it might be easier to join forces and lobby for
> improvements in git format from within.
You have. :-) bzr-git has some experimental support for tracking empty
directories, renames and revision properties in the git format. It still
needs a lot of work before that is usable in production though (just run
the bzr repository tests against bzr-git to see).

> I don't see Bazaar or Mercurial going away any time soon, but I think git has
> basically won top dog.  So I'd vote for making it usable for normal humans by
> keeping as much of Bazaar's superior ui and model as possible.



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