Bzr development stopped

Robert Collins robertc at
Fri Sep 14 04:27:42 UTC 2012

On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 4:16 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen at> wrote:
> David Muir writes:
>  > Just to point it out, Mercurial has the equivalent: hg commit --user
> OK, so I'm wrong on that point for all the popular DVCSes now.
> It's also true that for current practice, most code is contributed by
> merging branches, where the contributor is the committer in her local
> branch.
> Nevertheless, the point stands that (in the U.S. at least), the
> copyright owner has the legal right to obfuscate the link between an
> author and the particular lines of code they contributed to, while
> under the contributor agreement the copyright notice will be
> preserved.
> Steve is
interesting and related to this - obfuscating the link between author
and work isn't actually under the control of the owner of the work, if
the work has moral rights. I suspect copyright law has a long way to
go to catch up with open source culture on this.



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