Get rid of the ~bzr-core team? (really close now)

Max Bowsher _ at
Mon Sep 3 11:14:49 UTC 2012

On 14/06/11 10:12, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> On 6/14/2011 10:42 AM, Max Bowsher wrote:
>> The ~bzr-core team is a fairly confusing entity. Its name invokes an
>> impression of a higher privilege level than ~bzr, whereas the reverse is
>> actually true, since ~bzr is a member of ~bzr-core.
> ~bzr-core exists because Aaron wanted to only get mails about bzr
> branches themselves (the core of bzr), and not about any plugins etc, in
> the greater ~bazaar group.

We have now *very nearly* reached the point where ~bzr-core without
sending people email about plugins.

All bugmail subscriptions have now been addressed.

The remaining kinds of email that Launchpad sends to ~bzr are:

1) Code review notifications for Bazaar plugin projects which grant
commit access to all of ~bzr:


My proposal to address this is to create a new team,
~bzr-plugin-reviewers, which ~bzr owns but is not a member of, and set
it as the review team on the relevant branches.

People who desire to receive merge-proposal email for this class of
plugin can add themselves to the team.

2) Build failure notifications for recipe builds into the bzr/daily PPA.

I don't have a good solution for this, short of moving the daily builds
to a PPA under a different team. I'm hoping that the volume of email
concerned is sufficiently low that we can agree that it doesn't matter,
and we can merge ~bzr-core into ~bzr regardless.


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