Branching from just a part of a repository?

Andrew Bennetts andrew at
Thu Aug 30 04:07:52 UTC 2012

Wichmann, Mats D wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 7:05 PM, Andrew Bennetts <andrew at>wrote:
> >
> > The problem is bzr versions trees, not individual files, so doing what
> > you ask in bzr's model amounts to rewriting history.  So starting fresh
> > with no history (as you suggest), or rewriting history (using a tool
> > like bzr-fastimport), are your only good options.
> So just to get this clear for myself, "bzr split tests" would accomplish
> part of the job - turning the tests tree into a separate branch in place,
> at which point you could arrange to push up the original tree, without
> the now independent tests tree, BUT... history is preserved for the
> original
> tree, so a recipient could still reconstruct past versions of the private
> files that were in tests before the split.  Is that right?

That's right.


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