Using bzr push to send Bazaar branches to Subversion.

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Fri Aug 24 09:54:33 UTC 2012

On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 12:04:18PM -0600, Dan MacMillan wrote:
> Jelmer,

> I did try that, with similar results.

> 'svnadmin create' creates a repository and not a branch, it's true.  But
> Subversion doesn't have a command to create branches, because Subversion
> doesn't have any concept of a branch.

> What I've done now is:

> Created a new Subversion repository on our server (which is how I really
> want this to work).  I added branches, tags, and trunk directories to
> it.  Then I tried this:

> 2012-08-23 11:37:57.56 D:\funbranch>bzr push
> https://hobbit/bogus/svn/trunk
> Initialising Subversion metadata cache in
> C:\Users\danm\AppData\Local\svn-cache\ea84e1fe-ed48-11e1-9c7b-ca995e37e3
> 66.
> bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "trunk/branches".

This error suggests an incorrect layout for the svn repository. What
does 'bzr svn-layout https://hobbit/bogus/svn/trunk' print?



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