Storage internals: UUID

Brian de Alwis briandealwis at
Fri Jun 15 14:09:16 UTC 2012

On 14-Jun-2012, at 8:01 PM, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Can you explain how it is that Bzr can have a revision without the parents or why that is a good idea?

As I remember the explanation, it can happen with bzr-svn.  Subversion can't represent some of the DAGs that might be necessary when pushing up a branch (e.g., a merge which will have > 1 parent) so bzr-svn adds properties to reference the other commits.  If those commits haven't been pushed up as part of another branch, then someone else using bzr-svn pulling from that repo using bzr-svn will have ghost revisions.  The ghosts will be filled in if the person subsequently pulls from a bzr repo that does have those commits.


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