Storage internals: UUID

Daniel Carrera dcarrera at
Thu Jun 7 15:50:33 UTC 2012

Hello all,

I am learning about "bzr testament". It seems to already do a lot of what I like. For example, on the Inkscape tree:

% bzr testament -r 6372
bazaar-ng testament short form 1
revision-id: johanengelen at
sha1: 165c2a8e46025aa7c1d545115fecd69f6217a34b

Now, I have a few questions:

1. What does this SHA1 sum include? I can see that if I run "bzr testament --verbose" I get SHA1 sums for every file, so I assume that the SHA1 in the short-form testament must combine these in some way... Can anyone give me details.

2. Are the SHA1 sums from the testament actually stored anywhere or are they computed on the fly? If they are stored, where can I find them?


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