Something like "darcs record" / "hg record" == Select changes to commit.

Scott Aubrey scott at
Sat Jun 2 18:56:21 UTC 2012

On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 5:42 AM, Ben Finney <ben+bazaar at> wrote:
> "Daniel Carrera" <dcarrera at> writes:
>> The way I like to work, I regularly make changes that I feel should be
>> in different commits. For example, while I'm testing a piece of code I
>> might add various changes to the code comments or might fix a minor
>> unrelated bug. What I want to do is run a command that shows me all
>> the changes I've made, either one at a time or with a curses
>> interface, so I can select the ones that belong in this commit.
> You will then be committing a state of the working tree which never
> existed on disk. How have you tested that this state of the working tree
> is correct?

Pardon me, but I'd prefer my tool to bend to my workflow. What if my
branch isn't something that's "testable", docs for example? Maybe the
workplace I work for requires that to be separated. The author
explicitly gave code comments as one of his examples, which is not
testable, but may well be nothing to do with the current commit. There
are plenty of reason why working tree !== testable tree, and to give
that as a reason not to have a feature isn't a great example IMO. I
can understand it not being in core, but as a plugin, I see nothing

A quick google search did turn up the bzr-interactive plugin:

It would seem to do what you've asked for, but I've never used it, nor
do I know of it's stability etc.

- Scott

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