Major diff/merge changes in bzr and explorer

Andreas Sommer andreas.sommer87 at
Tue May 1 15:41:52 UTC 2012

Gordon Tyler wrote:
> On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 9:34 AM, Andreas Sommer
> <andreas.sommer87 at
> <mailto:andreas.sommer87 at>> wrote:
>     Started coding something already, and I pushed it to my own branch to
>     get some early feedback:
> I was going to mention the mergetools module but it looks like you've
> already seen it. Something to consider is whether it would be feasible
> to refactor the mergetools module and your new difftools module to use a
> common module for managing and invoking external tools. It would depend
> on how much common code there is.

I will see that soon. From what I've seen in in mergetools, it has a
different way of replacing arguments. Something like "executable
/base:filename.BASE" is not possible because {base} must be a single
argument (i.e. "executable /base filename.BASE" would be possible). This
will be improved if I create a common module for tool invocation. If I
remember correctly, this was actually bugging me for a while because I
had to write a workaround in order to use the awesome TortoiseMerge. So
it's a good chance to get that fixed too :)

>     And another thing: Do the files need to have "Copyright (c)
>     Canonical Ltd"?
> IANAL, but as far as I know all contributions to bzr have to be made
> under a copyright assignment scheme with a signed contributors agreement.

Right, I remember having read something about that. Just signed and
submitted it online.

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