bzrlib / loggerhead version binding? (and, well, other plugins version binding)

Robert Collins robertc at
Tue Feb 7 18:29:00 UTC 2012

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 6:52 AM, Wichmann, Mats D
<mats.d.wichmann at> wrote:
> I filed a Fedora bug just now because the packaged versions of bzr and
> loggerhead are out of sync there - the loggerhead plugin expects API version
> 2.3.0 while the shipping bzr is 2.4.x.  This is a distro packaging issue
> since both of these are distro provided packages, but...
> The question is, does such a tight binding make sense - in this case, and in
> general?   I seem to have had a number of problems with plugins and version
> binding, e.g. yesterday I ended up with a git plugin that was "too new" due
> to just pulling from the plugin's page, and it's not clear exactly how to
> get a version that mates well with the bzr version I have.
> Note that on loggerhead, the Fedora package maintainer has responded that
> "upstream has not released a version that corresponds to the new bzr api
> version". (this was if
> anybody cares).

Doing a release is on my shortlist at the moment; we've just validated
the latest changes on


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