Out of Memory a bridge too far

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Sat Nov 12 09:36:44 UTC 2011

On 12 November 2011 20:14, Jason Earl <jearl at notengoamigos.org> wrote:
> However, I don't have Windows-specific problems with large files.  I am
> a GNU/Linux user (Ubuntu actually), and I am working with a mixture of
> source code and binary files up to about 500M or so.  My most
> problematic project is comprised of a mixture of LaTeX and image files.
> I will inevitably want to have larger files as well.
> What I am actually looking for (I believe) is something along the lines
> of the new largefile support in Mercurial.  I want to be able to say
> "this is a big binary file, treat it differently," and call it a day.
> In a perfect world I would not only like to write something that I could
> use, but something that would be accepted back into Bazaar.
> Unfortunately, I have no idea if the Bazaar developers would even be
> interested in such a beast, much less how hard something like that would
> be to write.

Yes, we are interested in both helping you write it, and in getting it
merged in to core.

There was a thread back in July "binary file storage" where some of
the options were discussed.

The simplest place to start, I think, is to just put them on a shared
directory or http server somewhere and have a post_change_branch_tip
hook that copies them in to the tree, if there is one.  That will let
them be stored externally and then automatically inserted on check


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