2.4.0 Cygwin - exceptions.OverflowError: can't convert negative value delta.py line 127,

Martin Packman martin.packman at canonical.com
Tue Sep 27 13:02:08 UTC 2011

On 26/09/2011, Ronald Blaschke <mailing-lists at rblasch.org> wrote:
> Note that it's reporting line 827, which in 2.4.0 says:
>     aliased[3] = htonl(stat_value.st_dev)
> Could this be the problem if dev_t is int?

If you can get cygwin to give you a negative value there that would do
it too, due to some oddities in how pyrex casts things. When I checked
cygwin python stat output last night there were some big values for
st_dev but they were all positive.

If you run something along these lines, do you get negative values?

    import os

    for root, dirs, _ in os.walk("/cygdrive"):
        for d in dirs:
            print d, os.stat(os.path.join(root, d)).st_dev

You might try the same thing in other locations if your branch is
somewhere exotic.

Anyway, if that is the problem, feel free to file a new bug, and I'll
fix it at the same time as the other variations.


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