Announcing bzr-tiplog

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Sat Sep 24 06:43:20 UTC 2011

Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> writes:

> It's basically a log of the revisions that have been the tip of a
> particular branch.

Is this a topic covered in the Bazaar documentation? I don't recall
needing to know about “tip” when learning Bazaar years ago.

> If you are currently working at revision 20, and then run 'bzr pull'
> which pulls in revision 40, "bzr tiplog" will tell you that you were
> previously at r20.

I can see how that's useful, thank you.

> Another use case is that you can easily go back to the previous tip
> after an uncommit:
> $ bzr pull -r tip:1 .

The ‘tip:’ specifier is implemented by (only) this plugin, right?

 \         “If history and science have taught us anything, it is that |
  `\     passion and desire are not the same as truth.” —E. O. Wilson, |
_o__)                                              _Consilience_, 1998 |
Ben Finney

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