canonical bzr team weekly notes
Martin Pool
mbp at
Tue Sep 20 09:23:46 UTC 2011
bzr standup 2011-09-20
Canonical's doing internal quarterly review/planning, this week and next.
* landed bzr-builddeb requires
dpkg-dev >= 1.15.7 with help from poolie (just use a local
dpkg-mergechangelogs), so this should give better merges and less
conflicts during imports
* package-importer should back off (and "make tea") if Launchpad's
waiting for review (should address the peaks in;
working on distinguishing transient from ~idempotent failures;
* Froze 2.5b1 (should announce today), still need installers/packages
from people.
* SRU 2.2.5 still pending
* jelmer proposed being PP for config stuff, should clarify roadmap and next
* NEXT: testing Launchpad 'make tea' circuit breaker patch.
* working on getting the server to disconnect idle clients, which
will allow a lot smoother service and upgrades on lp, aside from being
generally useful. this causes some glitches during the test suite.
some discussion about how to handle it smoothly.
ACTION: group discussion offline of disconnect, reconnect, graceful
shut down and test handling
* finished up marking translatable strings, and refactoring handling
on the long slow task of fixing strings to be translatable; some
people have started translation, will see if they have feedback; also
should remind Naoki Inada this was done and thank him
* NEXT: pp this week; then requiring signature on branches; also bzr
builddeb do-mode for non-merge mode; maybe unicode filename support in
* Bored all week long.
* Worked on bzr-builddeb multiple-tarball imports. Fairly tricky.
* FTBFS fixes for ubuntu.
* Patches for Launchpad to do bzr-git pulling from HTTP smart-server
support on LP.
* Fixed HTTP redirect handling in lp mirroring
* bzr-svn now down to 70 test-suite failures out of roughly 2500 when
used as an alternate branch implementation.
* only ~15 bzr-svn mirrors failing on lp
* NEXT: finish bzr-builddeb multi-tarballs
* some work on hiring for us and other teams, announcement soon
* Helped Michael Hudson on Launchpad Feature Flags (anon ssh)
* Landed DKIM support for Launchpad, on production now. No more GPG
needed for GMail accounts!
* Working on QBR
* Worked with IS to get various production changes done or at least
* Little bit of work on recording successful imports in udd importer
as well as failures. - lp will
now deploy frequently, every few days, with just about a minute of
downtime or sometimes no downtime at all, hooray. needs more work
(including what John's now on) to make it smooth for code hosting.
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