bzr ready for translations

David Planella david.planella at
Mon Sep 19 10:15:54 UTC 2011

El dl 19 de 09 de 2011 a les 17:45 +1000, en/na Martin Pool va escriure:
> On 17 September 2011 01:49, Jonathan Riddell <jriddell at> wrote:
> > Bug 83941 Bzr doesn't speak my tongue has been closed. Bzr can now be
> > translated. If you want to help bring bzr to those who prefer to work
> > in non-English languages please help translate at Launchpad (you will
> > need to be in the appropriate Launchpad translations team).
> >
> > The translation will involve quite a bit of specialist language (what
> > is French for "colocated branch"?) and I expect there are strings yet
> > that need to be added to the translation file. I also need to look at
> > translations for plugins.
> Awesome, thanks.  I put your announcement into a draft blog post
> <>
> - could you see if you want to add more?
> > (you will
> > need to be in the appropriate Launchpad translations team).
> How would a person actually do that?

      * Go to
      * Click on the language you want to translate
      * If you are a member of the translation team, you'll be able to
        translate straight away
      * If you are not a member, you can either leave translations
        suggestions and ask the team members to approve them, or ask to
        join the team. There are links to the relevant translation team
        at the top and bottom of the translations page.


David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator / /
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