Binary file storage similar to Kiln

Anteru newsgroups at
Fri Jul 22 18:11:02 UTC 2011


Kiln is an extension to Mercurial which stores binary files on a server
centrally, so clients can save a lot of storage space when binaries are
used. Basically, certain files in the repository are marked as "large"
and only the hashes are stored on the clients. When the file is
required, it is transferred in full from the server. Server side, it
seems to store the full data of each file for each revision.

Is something like this planned for Bazaar? How invasive would such a
change be? Can this be done with a plugin?

(Naively, I would assume that all is needed is some way to mark files as
large and do a pre-commit/post-checkout fixup client side and somehow
abuse the transport layer. In particular, the repository could just
store an UUID instead of the actual file contents and when checking out,
the client would contact the server to retrieve the actual contents if
an large file is encountered.)


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