[pilot] Summary July 22th

vila v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Fri Jul 22 17:23:11 UTC 2011


My name is vila and I've been your Patch Pilot this week.  My co-pilot
was Jonathan Riddell and I confess he did so well I almost had a nap ;)

We had a pleasant fly again, as the following pretty picture shows:


1789 ! Revolution ! As the time of this writing that's the overall
number of reviews landed on bzr:


who knows what will come next ? We'll see...

In the mean time, this week, we observed (among others):

* Jelmer boiling some water in preparation for more co-located
  branches support.

* John giving us a nice way for UDD developers to activate a check
  about their package freshness when talking to launchpad (nag him
  (John, not lp) if you want this to be back-ported to 2.4 or 2.3).

Thanks again for flying with us, I hope you'll enjoy your flight next
week with Andrew[1],


P.S.: Give him a round of applause for his last flight with us (for the
      foreseeable future, but who knows ;)

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