Rev 6022: (vila) Move news entries from 2.4 to 2.5 for patches landed after 2.4 in file:///home/pqm/archives/thelove/bzr/%2Btrunk/

Andrew Bennetts andrew.bennetts at
Wed Jul 13 00:11:47 UTC 2011

Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
> Right, lp:bzr/2.4 wasn't properly redirected.
> I didn't want to step over toes by landing stuff that weren't targeted
> at 2.4.

But they were targetted at 2.4!  After all I did add news entries to
doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.4.txt, not out of reflex but because that's
where I intended them to land.  If I didn't think they were suitable for
2.4 I certainly wouldn't have done that.

I think a quick inspection would have made it clear that those patches
are safe for 2.4: they only affect selftest after all.

>     > I guess I need to backport them now?
> Yes, I sent a message to that effect when I opened 2.5.dev1.

I didn't notice that part of the message, I guess I didn't pay attention
to the “p.s.” buried at the end.  A direct heads up to people whose
patches may have been affected would probably work better.  Much like if
I change an API that's likely to affect bzr-svn I try to tell Jelmer
about it rather than let him discover it some time later the hard way :)
It's not strictly necessary but it's a low effort action that helps us
keep working smoothly.

I've submitted a backport of those two patches now.  It seems likely
that all the other changes in that gap ought to be submitted too, after
checking that their release-notes entries are still in the appropriate


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