Commit extremely slow

Martitza Mendez martitzam at
Thu May 26 14:04:53 UTC 2011

This is consistent with my experience.  Bzr has some issues with large
(medium?) projects which some other vcs systems have solved.  I believe the
core devs will solve this.  Meanwhile I find that breaking projects into bzr and its pluggins...does help a lot.   Good luck!
On May 26, 2011 5:37 AM, "Kape" <erlend.sobec at> wrote:
> Yes, it's bound to a remote repository on a remote server, not local
> And no, I'm not on dialup but on cable. The slowdown doesn't seem to be
> from uploading to the remote server. I was looking at the network traffic
> and it was only being used in bursts every 5 minutes or so. When it was
> using the network it was relatively fast, 800kB/s or so.
> It did happen that it was the 10th commit, so that explains the repacking.

> I'm also using bzr over sftp so that further explains the slow down. The
> remote repo is actually hosted on Hostmonster, so I think my local
> is probably faster anyway. I set it up this way because I'm working on the
> same code with someone else and it's simpler to have a single repo that is
> accessible by both of us remotely. I don't think I can use bzr+ssh with
> Hostmonster but now that I've passed the 10th commit, I have another 90
> commits until another 2 hour long commit. I can live with that as long as
> it's not every single time. I did the first commit, which took long as
> expected, but all other commits were done by the other person. So when I
> did one commit, which happened to be the 10th, I was afraid they would all
> take this long.
> Anyway, thanks for your help.
> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 05/26/2011 08:44 AM, Martin Pool wrote:
>>> Can you tell us more about the configuration you have here? When you
>>> say "the repo is bound": bound to what? A remote repository? What
>>> does "bzr info" in the local repository show?
>> 'bzr info' should give enough information, but how remote is the remote
>> repository? (local network, 600ms latency with dialup internet speeds?,
>> etc)
>> Repacking happens to maintain efficiency. Any given content is only
>> touched on an exponential backoff. So the first commit is repacked at
>> commit 10, then 100, then 1000, then 10000, etc.
>> It happens that your project is currently very new, and commit 1 has
>> *lots* of data. If you had the history of the project, the 1GB was built
>> up over time, and thus we wouldn't be touching all 1GB very often (you'd
>> be in then only-once-every 10,000 commits part of the cycle, rather than
>> the once-in-every 10 commits.)
>> As for remote connections, if you are using bzr over something like
>> sftp, we have no choice but to do the work locally. (There is no process
>> on the remote machine that knows how to repack the repository.) Which
>> means downloading the remote content to determine exactly what is there,
>> recompressing it, and then uploading it again. If you have 1GB of
>> content and a slow link, that can take a while.
>> If you can use "bzr+ssh://" to access the remote content, then repacking
>> will be done by the remote bzr process. It may still take a while, but
>> it will be bound by the remote machine's cpu rather than your network
>> link.
>> It would be nice if we had a better way to avoid repacking the initial
>> content. But at the moment we don't really have any knobs to tweak to do
>> so.
>> John
>> =:->
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