[rfc] bzr-colo into core

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Wed Mar 30 10:24:54 UTC 2011

John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> Martin has mentioned that this should be treated as a bug that can be
> fixed every time you've brought it up. We just need to do so.
> I know Aaron has mentioned that in his layout, he might move the working
> tree, but he is unlikely to move the repository, so absolute paths
> actually work better for him.  I do wonder what the breakpoint is.

Yes, that's true. Sometimes you need absolute paths, but sometimes you 
need relative ones. That's the problem.

> IMO, it is pretty clear for colo. If the branch is a subdirectory of the
> tree root, then use a relative path. If the branch is outside, then *I*
> would say, if it is within 1 or 2 '..' then use relative path. Otherwise
> use absolute path.

That will be sufficient for me to resolve main pain with bzr-colo.

There is only one question remains: currently there is no way in bzrlib 
to create relative path branch reference. I know it can be fixed in 
bzrlib to implement the logic you just described, but it seems this 
logic should be brought up to the CLI level, to ensure that `switch` or 
`checkout --lightweight` works as expected, or maybe to give the full 
control over absolute vs relative problem to the experienced user (like 
Aaron) who may know better.

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