Searching history to find out which files I've changed

Martin Pool mbp at
Fri Mar 18 02:57:38 UTC 2011

On 18 March 2011 02:48, Francis Devereux <francis at> wrote:
> Hello list,
> I would like to find out which files I've changed between a certain revision and the latest one (i.e. want to see a list that includes files that I have changed but not files that other committers have changed).
> Does bazaar provide a way of doing this?
> Ideally I'd like a single list of files, but being able to filter "bzr log -v -r1234.." by committer would be good too (I could merge the lists of files in each revision into one big list by piping it through sort & uniq).

There's no builtin way to do it.  You could parse 'bzr log -v'.  We
could possibly add a filter to bzr log so it shows only revisions by
particular people.  (That should not be too hard, if you want to try
adding it.)


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