serious 'bug'?

John Arbash Meinel john at
Sun Mar 13 16:15:48 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

On 3/13/2011 2:58 PM, Steve Franks wrote:
> Something that's supposed to 'just work' is not supposed to eat my
> files...I'm sure it's something I 'did' as opposed to an actual bug,
> but all I did was commit a single changed file, so it's way over my
> head.  Then again, things are transparently broken with zero error
> messages, so maybe it really *is* a bug.  But I'm no expert, I'm an
> EE, not a real coder.
> This is really unbelievable.  I committed (successfully according to
> my local terminal), and the next day I find out the folder I was
> working in (couple levels down the tree) *disappeared* from the
> 'server'.  It's actually still there on the 'client', so it's not like
> I was trying to remove it.  As far as the client knows, every thing's
> still fine.  bzr status shows 100% match between working/client and
> server.  I can go on the server as bzr and as root, and the folder
> really is gone.  I can add the folder from the client, and it thinks
> it's already there.  branch.conf is clearly pointing at the server
> like always.  I can ssh to the server and the file isn't there.  The
> file *was* previously on the server, because all the other client
> boxes that I use show the folder as gone (they are actually more
> confused, because they still expect the folder to be on the server and
> it isn't, so they barf on commit).  Also, I'm the only one using this
> repository (although from 3 or 4 locations), so there's no outside
> sources of corruption.
> I can't even fix this without going to a backup (maybe not even then),
> cause all the boxes involved think their working copy is correct, but
> none of them match.  It's a real pcloadletter kind of day.  I'm stuck
> using gmail for version control.

If you run 'bzr status', it doesn't tell you that something is out of date?

If you run "bzr log --show-ids" do the ids match in all of the locations?

You might try "bzr update" though you should see something like "working
tree is out of date" in "bzr status" if there is an issue.

Note that clients generally do not update the working tree on the
server. So the revision is probably committed, and probably available on
the server, but the server tree has not been 'bzr update' ed to show it.

> Best,
> Steve
> "My version control software is the single most important application
> I use.  It needs to be rock solid.  I thought it was until today.  I
> can't just drive across the continent to 'pick up' a missing file when
> I'm traveling."

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